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Nove Markets, Inc

We create new markets


Technology to create jobs

Technology has had a bad rap as a jobs destroyer. Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, automation and robotics are looked at as replacing jobs. Whether this is true or not, an obvious oversight among startups is the lack of focus on future job creation. With planetary population set to exceed 10 billion in another 30 years, we need to create more opportunities in the years and decades ahead, where individual skill and enterprise is supported and helped. With this in mind Nove Markets was formed as a concept in 2017.

Nove Markets Inc, is an early stage venture, set to launch its first offering in Q1 of 2019. An offering that will create new jobs in the culinary space and help consumers benefit from it.

Headquartered in Los Angeles, Nove Markets Inc is in the business of using technology to create jobs and create new opportunities for individuals in servicing needs of consumers, businesses and charitable organizations.

We welcome investment inquiries from accredited investors, accelerators or VC funds who share in this vision of job creation for the future.




2600 West Olive Ave. 5th Floor
Burbank, CA 91505




Areas of Interest


The culinary industry, has changed little in the last 30 years. How we eat and what we eat are as important as convenience and affordability.

Our lives are busier than ever and food often takes a backseat. An alternative is worth a try.


Wealth and affluence is only as good as it can help others.

With our busy lives, giving often takes a backseat and more of us would do more, if only there was a simpler way of doing it.


We know little about where and how our food comes from. This is true of children and adults alike.

There is more we can learn for our own benefit and pleasure.


Health care has become a euphemism for medicating to manage, rather than prevention or healing in natural ways.

It is time to rediscover our bodies natural abilities to balance and heal.


The internet, software, and technology are so pervasive that we can’t seem to remember having ever lived without them. They make our lives simpler, but behind the curtain are fluctuating challenges in protection and monetization—challenges that we help our partners navigate.


Profits and cost are at odds. A vital need for any business is to stay profitable and grow profits, but this often comes about at the expense of the worker, the skilled technician or the partner. Our own long term survival and well-being as humankind is possible only if we take a deep interest in creating new opportunities for others around us.


We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.
— Edmund Burke


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